
Furnishing a home from zero is an exciting process. And the key of a successful home makeover is how you artfully work from the bottom

Floors are the largest surface in a house and what that set the foundation for the entire look of the space. As today’s homeowners are

Whether big or small project, hiring a flooring contractor should be a careful decision so that you will not pay more than you should, it

Have the technical floor-related terms online got you all confused? And that you wish there were a handy handbook that can decipher all those professional

For months, Singapore has seen the sinister COVID-19 ravage countries and territories, infecting people and causing a great impact on the society, economy, as well

The first half of 2020 is definitely a rough one for everyone. In the unexpected age of uncertainty which we are living in, shops and

With the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) now escalated to Orange, this means that the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, also known as the Wuhan coronavirus, is deemed

Feng Shui has long been practised by the Chinese. And now, more and more non-Chinese communities are also starting to believe in “the power of

Are you stressed about giving your home a makeover but don’t know where to start from? Sometimes an update on the floor could totally change

Being parents is one of the happiest moments of your life, especially when you see your children growing up healthily every single day. There are