The Ultimate Flooring Glossary by EVORICH

Have the technical floor-related terms online got you all confused? And that you wish there were a handy handbook that can decipher all those professional jargon your floor specialists have been talking about? Well, we have compiled a list of uncommon nouns with its explanations to help you break down the meaning!

You might find this useful glossary beneficial next time when you are researching online or before scheduling an appointment with your floor specialists. Don’t be shy, come learn!

Abrasion Resistance

The ability of a surface to resist being worn away caused by the process of rubbing or friction.


The act of allowing wood moisture content to become accustomed to the new environment, climate or condition in which it will perform.


An abbreviation for the “Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE)”. It is an organisation that helps regulate fair trading between business entities and end-users. EVORICH is so far the only flooring company in Singapore that is accredited with it.


The ability of a material to retain its original colour upon exposure to light or other factors that might contribute to degradation.


An affected wood plank that has developed a concave shape instead of being flat as its required condition. The opposite of cupping.

Dimensional Stability

The degree to which a material maintains its intended dimensions when influenced by, including but not limited to, a foreign substance, impact, changes in temperature, and humidity.


The place where two pieces of floor planks are joined together end to end.

Expansion Gap
A necessary space between fixed objects or flooring material to allow for the natural movement that is induced by temperature, e.g. thermal expansion and contraction.


Vinyl flooring product that has been coloured and finished at the manufacturer’s facility prior to packaging.

Floating Floor

A type of floor that does not need to be nailed or glued to the subfloor. It is an installation method in which floor panels are connected together by glue or a locking mechanism.


Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring organic compound made of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. It is a colourless, strong-smelling and flammable gas. A certain level of formaldehyde can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and skin, or even trigger an attack in asthma sufferers. It can be found in common household items such as vinyl floors, detergents, paints, fabrics, dishwashing liquids, and even wallpapers.

Glue Adhesive

A substance that is capable of holding materials together in a functional manner. In this case, floor planks with the subfloor or floors planks with floor planks.

High-Density Fibreboard (HDF)

It is a type of fibreboard which is an engineered wood product. It is denser, harder and much stronger compared to Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) because it is manufactured using exploded wood fibres that have been highly compressed.

Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
It is a type of engineered wood that is similar to particle board, formed by adding adhesives and then compressing layers of wood strands.


Floor covering composed of wooden blocks arranged in a geometric pattern.

Singapore Green Building Product

The Singapore Green Building Product (SGBP) scheme is regarded as one of the benchmarks for green building products in the building and construction industry. This criterion indicates the product’s sustainability performance and environmental commitment.


Transition moulding, more commonly known as T-moulding, is a flat moulding with bevelled or rounded edges designed to transition between two surfaces of the same height.

Tensile Strength

The maximum strength in which a material can withstand before breaking under tension.


Tongue-and-Groove is a method of fitting matching objects together edge-to-edge. It is mainly used in strip, plank, parquet flooring, panelling and similar constructions. This technique allows two flat pieces to be joined tightly together to make a single flat surface.

The finish materials or additional decorations along the edges at the floor or ceiling of rooms.

Virgin Vinyl

Virgin vinyl is the highest grade pure vinyl with very low impurities used in making vinyl floor planks. It is more durable and impact-resistant when compared to recycled material. In general, it sounds quieter with lesser clicks and pops than regular vinyl.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

Volatile Organic Compounds are organic chemicals that have a high vapour pressure at ordinary room temperature. It is a kind of gas that is being released as materials, such as flooring, age and degrade over time. Some VOCs are dangerous and can cause harm to the environment.

We hope you will master these specific nouns after going through this handbook. However, if you are still unsure, our floor specialists are more than happy to explain them to you upon your visitation with us or through messages. Simply WhatsApp / Visit us here:

EVORICH R&D Building and FLAGSHIP Gallery: 16 Tampines Street 92 Singapore 528873 (Behind SAFRA Tampines)
WhatsApp: +65 8795 2118


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