The Reassurance At Unassured Times: How To Floor With Security

For months, Singapore has seen the sinister COVID-19 ravage countries and territories, infecting people and causing a great impact on the society, economy, as well as our daily lives. The last time DORSCON Orange was activated was when the H1N1 pandemic happened in 2009, about a decade ago. It was not until one year later […]

How To Enhance Hygiene Protection At Home With Health-Certified Evo HERF

With the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) now escalated to Orange, this means that the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, also known as the Wuhan coronavirus, is deemed as severe but has not spread widely and is being contained. More precautionary measures have been introduced by the Singapore government to minimise the risk of the infection. Apart from […]

Interior Design Ideas: Vinyl Floor For Each Design Theme

Are you stressed about giving your home a makeover but don’t know where to start from? Sometimes an update on the floor could totally change the vibe. Don’t be stressed anymore as we will help you out with some piece of interior design ideas which we think would be beneficial. If you are looking for […]