5 Important Aspects To Think Of Before Choosing A Vinyl Floor (Apart from Appearance!)

Today, there are many vinyl flooring brands surfacing in the consumer market. Which is why picking the right vinyl floor is becoming more crucial today because you will be having the floor in your home for years or decades to come. A wrong choice may incur long-term costs in terms of health and maintenance.

Here are 5 Important Aspects To Consider When Choosing A Vinyl Floor:

  1. Think of Health
    As mentioned earlier, you and your children are going to live in the house installed with the vinyl floor for the next five, ten years or even longer. Not only should the floor appeals to you, but it must be a healthy choice too. During the 90s, research has found out that there is a relatively higher formaldehyde emission from low-end vinyl floors than higher-end vinyl floors. Formaldehyde can cause deterioration to long term health, especially to young children who have a lower immune system. Vinyl floors of the E1 standard with very low formaldehyde emission are the best choice if you are thinking for the long term.
  2. Think of Safety
    Good grades vinyl flooring usually will have grooves and textures for 2 purposes: giving a real wood texture and slip resistance. Other than preventing slipping, high-end vinyl floors usually come with fire resistance certification too. They are stringently tested (using fire to burn the floor) to ensure that the floor will not be able to contribute to the development of a fire should such accident occurs.
  3. Think of Price
    This doesn’t mean that the cheapest vinyl flooring is good nor the most expensive vinyl flooring is better. Today, consumers are looking at what is the possible long-term maintenance cost for the floors. Price should be viewed as long term. In choosing a vinyl floor, 100% waterproof is an important feature, especially if you are staying in a humid environment such as Singapore and Southeast Asia. The other thing to consider is whether they have a higher resistance to heavy impact and abrasion. The surface of low-end vinyl floor tends to wear out easily. If you lay it on a commercial area such as retail shops where there is high human traffic, changing a new set of floors will eat up a huge portion in your business expenses, not mentioning the inconvenience it will bring.
  4. Think of Comfort
    You can’t see what’s inside a vinyl floorboard but you can feel it. Most lower-end vinyl floors have a poorer density which results in a hollow sound, making your floor noisy whenever somebody walks on it. On the other hand, check if the floor has thermal stability. Floors with unstable thermal properties will store unnecessary heat, causing your floor to be hot on the touch. Good vinyl flooring brands such as EVORICH has been consistently developing better vinyl flooring to improve walking comfort for their end-users.
  5. Think of Green
    As we are getting busy with our work and lives, sometimes we may or may not have overlooked our environment. And as the demand for vinyl floor increases, in some cases, profit-seeking businessmen around the world began to massively produce vinyl floorboards that do not meet worldwide environmental standards. Although saving the environment seems like an enormous mission, our generations will benefit from our actions if every person does their part in being eco-friendly. Choose the vinyl floor brand with environmental ISO standards or Singapore Green Label to do your part in the eco era, such as Evo HERF.

After thinking these 5 aspects through, you will be better equipped in choosing the best vinyl flooring brand for you, your family and your workplace. If you need more clarifications, don’t hesitate to call our floor specialists here:

EVORICH R&D Building and FLAGSHIP Gallery: 16 Tampines Street 92 Singapore 528873 (Behind SAFRA Tampines)
EVORICH Furniture · Vinyl Pop-Up Store: 1 Tampines North Drive 1, #02-38 T-Space EVORICH Block, Singapore 528559 (In-between IKEA, Giant & Courts)

WhatsApp: +65 8795 2118
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evorichflooring/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evorichflooring/


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