When problems start to occur in your flooring, it is important to find out the cause and culprit to prevent the situation from worsen or your family members to get hurt. If your flooring has encountered any of these issues, you might consider a floor replacement:
Termite InfestationProblem: Termite can damage the floor of the house by eating the structures holding the floor up. They are capable of causing extensive damage, leading to costly repair works and structural failure.Solution: Replace it with flooring that is made of pure virgin vinyl pulp and has no wood content. Termites, dusty mites or woodworms could not feast on flooring that is not constructed from wood.

Abnormal Gapping
Problem: Gapping problems can be caused by many factors, including the manufacturing method of the material, changes in humidity and the type/quality of the installation.
Solution: Choose a new flooring that has a more stable dimension to prevent gapping issues from happening. Flooring with CLIC Locking system allows the planks to interlock together securely so it won’t create gaps.

Thermal Expansion
Problem: Thermal expansion could happen to your flooring when there are extreme changes in temperature or excessive direct sunlight exposure. It could cause the boards to expand or contract drastically.
Solution: Replace it with flooring that does not warp easily when it is exposed to a certain level of heat.

Water Damage
Problem: Some type of flooring and water do not mix. If water leakage is not dealt with immediately, it can permeate easily through even the tiniest crack in the grout and damage the subfloor.
Solution: Replace it with a flooring that is certified to be 100% waterproof. Flooring materials that are backed with PVC is impervious to spills and wet accidents at home.

It has a sturdy structure, enhanced dimension stability, is 100% waterproof and click-lockable. Our flooring is testified by 18 local tests in terms of all-rounded floor performance and trusted by generations of Singaporeans.
EVORICH R&D Building and FLAGSHIP Gallery: 16 Tampines Street 92 Singapore 528873 (Behind SAFRA Tampines)
WhatsApp: +65 8795 2118
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evorichflooring/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evorichflooring/