Can your flooring set the mood of your home? The answer is a resounding “Yes”. Different kinds of floorings do set different kinds of moods and characteristics to the very same living environment which also depends on what kind of areas you are looking at.
The Master Bedroom
The master bedroom is an area for passion and intimacy; especially for young married couples (well, perhaps all married couples young and old, so long as they keep the passion going). Hence, it is essential to set the right kind of mood. In this case, try to look for colours like reddish brown or any comfortable dark-wood such as floorboards. For design wise, choose something simple, authentic yet ‘sexy’. Abstract and complicated designs should be avoided if possible.
Your Children’s Room
Your children, whether they are bubbly, energetic kids or adolescents coming to adult age, usually spend most of their time in their private spaces. Looking back at the times when we were at their age, probably our “favourite” pastimes would be doing homework and studying. Right? Your flooring should portray livelily, ‘energetic’ colours and designs that would lift the positive energy level of your kids. The recommended floor colours and designs should be something that is cheery and lively.
The Kitchen
As for the kitchen, take the needs of the chef in your house into consideration. Respect the choice and the kind of flooring design he or she prefers to display in the kitchen as this promotes his or her cooking mood. It is pretty difficult to analyse and recommend a good design and colour for the kitchen if you are not the chef of the house yourself. Hence, in this case, always listen to the chef — for the better his or her mood, the better your dinner and lunch will be!
Your Living Hall
This is where you ‘wow’ your guests, especially during holiday seasons and parties. How your living hall looks does reflect your individual home living, lifestyle and taste. So, plan ahead properly and play with the colours and designs. White and bright designs usually make your home look spacious and grand while designs that use dark colours build up the cosiness and oriental feel in the house.
Using of real wood or flooring that looks like wood but with no wood component can create a luxury look to your home interior as well. Complex designs and colourful patterns tell your guests that you are going for the modern design and chic lifestyle. Before you start shopping for flooring, discuss with your family what kind of mood everyone wants to set for the living hall.
The Combination of Every Little Detail
Flooring takes up a major part of your home. Other than getting the right colour and design for your floor, another important thing is to select the one with good quality materials and standards.
On top of that, all your other furnishings such as wall, furniture, lighting, and curtains play a part in setting the right mood for your home interior. Hence, shop wisely and take some time to plan the design of your home interior for it is a place where you and your family will be staying for long.