Avoid These 3 Costly Mistakes When You Are Choosing Vinyl Floors

It’s always safer to conduct enough research before you are committed to a product. It may be time-consuming, but it is definitely worth the effort for the sake of your home safety.

Here are some of the common (and costly!) mistakes we think you should avoid when you are choosing the vinyl floors for your home. Take a look here to save yourself hundreds of dollars and lots of headaches!

Mistake #1: Assume A Floor Is Safe Just by The Word of Mouth
Do not be misled by a verbal claim made by a salesperson or a statement on the website when they claim that their products are eco-friendly. While that may be true, there is a difference between rightfully qualified and just closing to the threshold.

Mostly all floorings contain some amount of formaldehyde. In this case, our floors are certified under the “E1 rating” (the lowest formaldehyde release class). We recommend you to ask our floor specialists to show you third-party certifications verifying the authenticity of our products.

Mistake #2: Making Decisions Based Solely on Price Factor
“Price is what you pay; value is what you get”. You get what you paid for applies completely in this scenario. There are more to consider in a vinyl floor than just the materials that are used — for example, sending the product for lab testing and the additional manufacturing process to ensure product safety.

Although choosing cheap floorings may help you save some money in the short run, as time passes by, it will prove itself costly when problems start to show. Avoid numerous replacement and repair fees when you choose Evo HERF! Our pricing is totally value-based.

Mistake #3: Fail to Choose a Supplier with Reputation
You are putting yourself and your family in a huge risk if you have chosen a supplier with no reputation to deliver the work. Poor workmanship could lead to construction defects. That being said, always choose a supplier who is well-known and trusted by generations of Singaporeans.

EVORICH Flooring Group has a vast experience in flooring supply and installation being the reputable, local vinyl brand in the flooring field for 16 years. Also, we founded the largest installation team across Singapore which comprises of well-trained in-house installers.

Have a peace of mind and know for sure what you are purchasing. For FREE quotation and consultation, look for our flooring specialists here:

EVORICH R&D Building and FLAGSHIP Gallery: 16 Tampines Street 92 Singapore 528873 (Behind SAFRA Tampines)
WhatsApp: +65 8795 2118
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evorichflooring/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evorichflooring/ 


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