The “Accommodate-To-All Flooring” – Where 3 Generations Are Taken Care Of

Multigenerational households are becoming very common in Singapore due to the ageing population and rising house costs. It is not rare to see grandparents, parents and children sharing one household, especially in oriental countries.

With the aim to make the standards of living more comfortable and protected to any generation, EVORICH’s floor products are designed to accommodate to all where 3 generations are taken care of.

High Slip Resistance – A Security for Your Children

Slips and falls can be prevented. For children who love to roam around exploring the house and toddlers who just start learning their steps, a flooring with strong skid resistance property is what concern parents need to keep their little ones safe and sound.

It is also helpful when you have elderlies at home as they are also more likely to subject to fall accidents due to the natural changes of ageing.

Easy to Maintain & 100% Waterproof – An Assurance for Your Elderlies

When your seniors are alone at home while you are away for work, it is extra significant to make sure that their safety is secured when they make every turn on the corners or when they are doing their daily routines on humid spaces such as the kitchen, bathroom or laundry areas.

Build an elderly-friendly home with EVORICH’s flooring products as they are easy to maintain and is 100% waterproof, so water splashes are easy to clean off for a floor that is safer to walk on.

Low Toxic Emission – A Health Guarantee for Everyone in The Household

Almost all flooring materials will more or less have some Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) emission during the time of installation. EVORICH’s floor products minimise the potential adverse health impacts that may cause by flooring by lessening the degree of chemical composition in the product itself during the manufacture.

Also, it uses no-glue installation so as to reduce the harmful elements that may come with traditional flooring to as low as possible. As a green label product, you can have a peace of mind when you choose authentic Evo HERF.

Let our floors take care of you and your family, so everyone can live in harmony and at peace together. Our end-users’ living experience and concerns are considered in the product design to ensure that your physical health and wellbeing are well-treated.


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