
Multigenerational households are becoming very common in Singapore due to the ageing population and rising house costs. It is not rare to see grandparents, parents

Sipping a cup of cappuccino while you read the morning papers in that cosy alfresco area at your apartment’s balcony is a trend that we

After receiving the key for your new home, it is time to decide on the interior furnishings before moving in. Nowadays, many homeowners would choose

Every individual longs to have a beautiful and unique home that is different from the others. It is worth investing in renovation if you are

For many new homeowners, it is vital to have their homes renovated in order to have a cosy and well-decorated place to stay in. And

The design and outlook of your home can look lush and more appealing to your guests when you use the proper type of quality flooring

Can your flooring set the mood of your home? The answer is a resounding “Yes”. Different kinds of floorings do set different kinds of moods